The Office of Student Learning Evaluation (OEAE by its Spanish acronym) is the unit that coordinates student learning assessment activities. Established under the Dean of Academic Affairs in 2008, its main objective is to coordinate and institutionalize student learning assessment efforts by implementing the Institutional Student Learning Assessment Plan. The OEAE is responsible for collecting and analyzing data and providing assessment, planning, and reporting services that inform planning and policy decisions.

The OEAE provides support services to both program and college assessment coordinators. A total of seventy-one different faculty members work in these positions. This has allowed administrators and faculty members of the university to be actively involved in a wide range of complementary activities. These include seminars for academic personnel, individual meetings with the assessment coordinators to discuss their assessment findings, the development of assessment instruments, the design of assessment rubrics, and the strengthening of academic planning to continually improve assessment practices.

The UPR-RP’s assessment activities are guided by the Institutional Student Learning Assessment Plan and numerous program-level plans. The OEAE is responsible for supervising student learning assessment at the College of General Studies and other Academic Programs (both undergraduate and graduate). Content knowledge, skills, and dispositions specific to the disciplines are also measured at the program level.  The diagram on the top right of this page presents a schematic representation of the UPR-RP Assessment of the Student Learning Process.



Esquema del proceso de assessmet de la OEAE